GitHub Game Off 2016 - Day 1

- 2 min read

This is something that flew a bit under my radar and left me with somewhat mixed feelings when I found out about it two weeks ago. Before I delve into what this is I just want to note that the Node.js and EventStore Part 2 & 3 are still in the works, I’ve just put it on the backburner for now as GameDev is where it’s at for me. The GitHub Game Off 2016 is a month long game jam run by, you guessed it, GitHub.

Theme: Hacking, Modding and/or Augmenting

For those interested reading the official announcement you can have a look on the GitHub blog. It’s a very loose theme and I suspect they’re trying to push people to play a bit with virtual/augmented reality games. I think there are some exciting times waiting on us with all the new tech we have at our disposal. Unfortunately I don’t have access to these nice things so I’m playing around with my own ideas to apply to this theme.


The basis of what I have in mind is something along the lines of a 2D space exploration game with some mining elements to produce resources with which you’ll be able to hack/augment your ship to survive some of the more hostile parts of space. It’s still VERY much a work in progress so I’ll have to do some planning before just jumping into building this.

Helping Hands

My cousin was the one that put me onto this game jam so I’ll be discussing some ideas with him. We’ve worked together on a few projects before so we’ll possibly be punting around some ideas to see what sticks. He’s already mentioned a possible 4X game idea that he’s been throwing around for a while, but I’ll leave him to do the explaining.

Going Forward

This is going to be one MASSIVE commitment on my side as this month is jam packed with stuff to do as well, but I’m going to push myself to write something on this jam every day. I’ll write even if I’ve done nothing as a method of jotting down some ideas I have during the course of the day. I’m really looking forward to this so we’ll have to wait and see what the month holds in store. That’s it for today!