GitHub Game Off 2017

Status - SHELVED

The GitHub Game Off 2017 was a game jam I entered.


GitHub Game Off 2017 - Day 27

I’ve been a bit quiet this weekend as I needed to unwind a bit. It was a mostly unproductive weekend from my side, but I did manage to build the flak cannon’s shell tonight, which is basically saying that the flak cannon is done because we’re just swapping out the ammunition for the desired effect.


GitHub Game Off 2017 - Day 23

Not much to report except we now have explosions!


Matt had done a lot to fix my attempt at producing explosions and I must admit it looks great. I ended up doing a lot more reading on ScriptableObjects as well and we played a little Fortnite Battle Royale before we went to bed so not much more to update on. I am happy though that the bombers are done. Matt has already taken on some UI for the requisition shop and I’ll be looking into the flak cannon next since that’ll likely reuse the explosion component we’ve built for the bomber. That’s it for yesterday, now back to work!


GitHub Game Off 2017 - Day 21

I’m only writing this update for the day after the Day 21, because it is my birthday on Day 22 and I was quite busy with going to visit my mom who was in town for training. I spoke to quite some extent with Matt about some of the issues I ran into with building the bomber and he took a look at the bugs I had. From what I can see he’s fixed it as there might have been a flaw in the PoolingFactory which caused some strange behaviour to present itself with the shrapnel I was trying to implement.


GitHub Game Off 2017 - Day 19

I’ve made quite a bit of progress on the bomber I’m building. I reused the plane Matt had made and attached a place where a bomb can be dropped from on the botttom of it. I then went about writing a script to spawn a bomb at that position, but without realizing it I never added a condition to stop spawning and ended up with the below fail.


GitHub Game Off 2017 - Day 17

Sadly my day has been filled with crisis upon crisis. Work was quite hectic even though I only got in later during the day and I had to deal with a personal issue when I got home. Nothing to really update, still have to implement some “targeting” to allow the bombers flying over to drop the bomb semi accurately. I’ve asked Matt to have a look at creating the health component for the bunker. That way I can focus on getting some explosive effect going with the bomb which can likely be reused with some of our other weapons ideas.


GitHub Game Off 2017 - Day 15

My pondering on how to approach the bomber has paid off! I ended up drawing a little bomb called tiny. I put in my best attempt at using my own limited set of programmer art skills and made the sprite seen below.


GitHub Game Off 2017 - Day 13

Today was probably the worst unproductive day ever. I had to run some errands without knowing when exactly it would happen so it put quite a damper on my willingness to sit down and work. I did however just have a quick planning session with Matt where we reorganized our Trello board into a lit of features that can come in.


GitHub Game Off 2017 - Day 11

I actually awoke on day 12 realizing that I never wrote and published an update. Yesterday was extremely slow going for myself and Matt from what I’ve seen. I spent my day lounging at home with my wife binging Mindhunter while pondering way to fix the airplane bug.


GitHub Game Off 2017 - Day 9

What a slow day it’s been. Entelect’s year end function is tomorrow so most of today consisted of just trying to finish up and get ready for what’s happening tomorrow. From my side I’ve dug up some code to show Matt how I approached object pooling in another project. I also recorded the below soundclip a few days ago, but I had not figured out how to turn it into a continuous loop. That was until today.


GitHub Game Off 2017 - Day 7

Today went bust for me! We have a charity project at our church and we were out buying Christmas presents for people less fortunate. I’m also writing this just before I’m off to go and watch Jigsaw with my other cousin.


GitHub Game Off 2017 - Day 5

Day 5 had flown past and I suspect we did not really get much done. It’s my cousin’s birthday tomorrow so we spent some time with his family. I initially wanted to do a lot more recording, but I ended up fiddling around too much with what Matt had already done. I was super impressed with his parachute solution that he mentioned in yesterday’s update.


GitHub Game Off 2017 - Day 3

Day 3 has come and gone! I awoke to an invite from my cousin to collaborate on the repo he had created on GibHub as well as a bare-bones structure of the initial repository. We had a quick chat on Slack discussing what he had done as well as the little bits he’d already implemented. I must say I was very impressed to hear that he’d already figured out how the turret should function. As he mentioned in his update yesterday Paratrooper did not turn out to be that popular of a game, but we’re set on trying to change that perception with this incarnation.


GitHub Game Off 2017 - Day 1

I am in! Sadly my day 1 update will only be that I’ll be partifcipating and not much more. The theme was announced around 23:37 local time here in South Africa so I was fast asleep by the time it went live.